Hanna Ye : 지혜
/ha-na ye/ : /ji-hae/  

Simple ways to finish a loaf of bread



Finding a concept for the book posed a challenge in this project. After the market research, the majority of cookbooks catered to women aged 30 to 40. However, this particular book was intended for a younger audience seeking simple recipes, such as Hellofresh meal kits recipe. As a result, instead of following the traditional cookbook design with professional, photo-heavy layouts and delicate design elements, I opted for design concepts reminiscent of Urban Outfitters.

The goal was to create a book that was not just a cookbook, but also fun and interesting, filled with adorable illustrations, and ensured that our readers wouldn't feel overwhelmed by numerous ingredients and fancy supplies. The aim was to keep it authentic and relatable.


The idea for this book originated from my personal experience as a university student living alone as a single household. When I relocated to America, I discovered that groceries generally came in larger portions compared to South Korea. Every time I purchased a loaf of bread, I would invariably end up wasting half of it due to my weariness of repetitive egg and toast recipes.

The entire collection of 10 recipes presented in this book has been curated with only 5 ingredients, including bread, taking into consideration individuals like myself who have limited fridge space.




The main objective was to emphasize that this cookbook is designed around the concept of minimal ingredients and straightforward recipes. The cover visually represents this idea by featuring five ingredients floating above a loaf of bread, symbolizing the simplicity of the book. Within the book's content, there is a diagram illustrating how each recipe requires five or fewer ingredients.

The book's wireframe consists of a concise recipe description, a photograph of the dish, simplified illustrations of the ingredients used, a list of required items, and the actual recipe. Additionally, each recipe is given a unique name, such as "Half Moon Toast" or "Yellow Billy on the Grass Toast

full view of a book

hanna ye | 예지혜

designer, artist and creative soul
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