Hanna Ye : 지혜
/ha-na ye/ : /ji-hae/  

Doordash Account


UX Case Study
UI Design 

Personal Case Study


We believe Doordash can provide personalized experiences to different users with user preference settings considering diets and allergies.


There were constant asks for allergy-friendly delivery apps. In 2019, Uber Eats launched their allergy filter. Unfortunately, this function won’t cover complex choices.

In this project, I focused on improving doordash experience for allergy & restirctive diet users.


If users set diet preferences or allergy settings in their account, Doordash can provide more appealing/likable restaurant options with less frustration.

This can possibly higher search-to-order success rate and encourage allergy/special diet users to use delivery apps more. 


Taking a step from allergy filter, Doordash let users put multiple dietary restrictions and allergy settings in their profile and cover complex scenarios.


01 Non Distractive New Feature Onboarding
02 Quick First Time Education
03 Informative Accounts page
04 Home Page Update

01. Non Distractive New Feature Onboarding

In this stage, we want to encourage existing users engage new feaure but not too distractive. 

I used bottom drawer UI, strongest CTA, considering this feature will be a major change for app experience. 

02. Quick First Time Education

According to Google Identity website, user drop-off rate for account setting can be as high as 80%. We want this process be as informative as possible but also quick at the same time.

I chose survey for quick and easy delivery. It’s 2 steps and approximately less than 30 seconds to finish entire process.

03 Informative Accounts Page

After the launch, user will be access to this page before account settings. We want to this  page be instructive and encourage user navigate account pages

I designed this pages shows brief about the selection along with the progress bar near profile photo.

04 Home Page Update

New allergy & diet setting are combined with basic information like address, phone number hierachy. 

I udated original app homepage address feature UI that serves better visual narrative with new feature. 


I designed three user flows. 1) Existing User First Time Education 2) Existing User Adding New Account 3) Existing User Changing Preference

1) Existing User First Time Education

2) Existing User Adding New Account

3) Existing User Changing Preference

For wireframes and detailed design process

hanna ye | 예지혜

designer, artist and creative soul
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